CCC stands for China Compulsory Certification. It is a certificate for product quality standardization. It was first introduced in China in 2002 and applies to imported goods. In order for products with certification requirement to be imported, purchase and used in China, the product must first obtain the China Compulsory Certification.
A product that is without a CCC will be detained at the border or returned to the sender, this varies from case by case basis. Any misuse of the CCC licenses or CCC-mark on products without certification will also be penalise. Sometimes problem may still arise even on products that do not need a China Compulsory Certification, as custom officers may demand a CCC certificate. So in order to reduce any import-related problems, Clearance Certificates are recommended.
Two most important process in order to obtain the certification are product testing and factory audits. Product testing is where product that is to obtain the certification will be send to test laboratories in China for testing. While factory audits is where inspection done on the product manufacturers by the Chinese Auditors. Other than 2 process, there is a lot other comprehensive application documents, factory preparation and various fee payment. With Skytech Shares manufacturers do not need to worry about this anymore. All you have to do is contact us here.
The process in getting CCC is a tedious process that may take up to more than half a year to a year. Where you may need to travel back and forth into China because of the lack of documents. And the rejection at the very last stage of the process. So instead of getting yourself into all the troubles, all you have to do is just sit tight and wait for the certification to be ready.